Do Narcissists Consciously Know What They Are Doing?
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The definition of a Narcissist is an individual who has excessive self-interest or admiration of themselves. One of the side effects of this mental illness is the inability to understand or care about the feelings of others.
Medically the brain lacks the proper connections for articulate brain synapsis, which can cause some of the behavioral problems and social issues seen in patients.
Many believe that the root cause of this mental health issue comes from childhood trauma, a neglectful upbringing, or receiving too much adoration in their youth, which develops into illness in adulthood.

Does a Narcissist Have a Conscience?
The thing about selfish people is that they will have little to no thought when it comes to other people’s feelings.
To an even larger degree, Narcissists may even manipulate those emotions for personal gain. As far as having a conscience is the moral compass or inner feeling in which one decides what is right and what is wrong.
Many are known to lack empathy, sparing nothing or no one in order to achieve their selfish goals and meet their ends. In short, no, there is none with this mental affliction that can claim to have a conscience or moral compass.
Do They Think Differently?
As with many mental illnesses, there are strings of ‘normal’ thought or civil thoughts, but brain function primarily differs from a standard wired brain. The electrical signals that trigger throughout the mind will differ as well, which may have some effect on the mental illness.
There are many patients that will focus on the self, more with an unworthy admiration of themselves, while blatantly disregarding the emotions or feelings of the beings around them.
Primary issues stem from insecurities and PTSD reactions to certain situations, causing the mind to react by acting defiantly confident and becoming unhealthily obsessed with authority and controlling reality.
Can Narcissists Become Aware of Their Behavior?
The diagnosis, more times than not, of narcissistic personality disorder for those is to be assigned a therapist who will work on their perceptions of others, teach them how to relate better with people, and create healthier relationships.
These unwell individuals will also be given lessons on emotions, such as how to interpret them and control one’s actions while experiencing these powerful feelings.
There will also be ways of making the psyche-active decision to keep the mind open and focus on the benefits of the lessons and techniques learned from the therapy sessions. Use the ability to focus on goals for healthier living and better social relationships.
Can Narcissists ever develop empathy?
This personality disorder comes with complex emotions. Having a therapist to help a patient learn what and why their feelings are possible reveals a patient is, in fact, an empath who struggles with regulating their emotions.
If the gift of empathy can be learned, it will be in the offices of trained therapists, spiritual leaders, and the medicine people who can work on a person’s selfishness.
Those suffering from severe cases of narcissistic personality disorder may not find their way back to empathy.
The healing from this illness starts with the individual. The individual acknowledges they have an issue and are willing to work with someone on healing the affliction.
Final Thoughts on Do Narcissists Consciously Know What They are Doing
Many will misunderstand those affected by this mental disorder, but should also know that the actions of these individuals can be negative and even immoral to some, and being sick does not excuse these actions.
Nevertheless, there are paths to healing, ways in which patients can regain a sense of control over their emotions and become empowered by having a deeper understanding of their feelings and reactions to the world.
It starts with the sick individual becoming aware of their illness and behavioral issues. As with all mental illnesses, the first step is acknowledging the problem and then seeking the right medical help.
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